Thursday 26 September 2013

People on Ebay

       I have been wanting to get a PSP lately, not a Vita, just a plain old PSP. So, today, I looked on Ebay for people selling them. Of course I found a fair share of them, but what really surprised me was the fact that some people were trying to sell them for $70. What. The. Hell. It's like people don't realize that the PSP is old. Like people don't realize that I could go to a pawn shop and get one for cheaper. When did the PSP come out like, 2001? 2003? Yeah, as much as 10 years ago. Sure I really want a PSP, but I am not paying $100 for it.

Monday 23 September 2013


       Markiplier was introduced to me by a friend during the summer, I don't usually watch 'lets play' channels, but Markiplier is so entertaining! His lets plays revolve around indie-horror games, and because you get to watch his reaction, there really is never a dull moment.
       Even if you are not a fan of playing horror games, I promise you that there really is a very good chance that you will still love Markiplier.

       If you are already a fan of Markiplier, I think we can all agree that Markiplier bracelets need to happen. Like you know the ones that say like, West 49, Taylor Swift, like those. Can we please make those happen??

Check out his channel here!

Sunday 22 September 2013

What age is 'Young Adult'?

       Has anybody else noticed the growing number of people reading Young Adult books? I mean people aged like- 10 and 11 years old. What the heck. I just don't understand it. When I started reading Young Adult books years ago, I had to get a note signed by my mother, saying that I had permission to read books from the Young Adult section at my old library. So what is this crap with kids coming out of the library with YA  books. One day, one of these 10 year old kids is going to pick up a really mature YA book like Before I Die or even the House Of Night Series. Those books will be fantastic conversation starters at the dinner table won't they. It is true that some books that are labeled YA don't really need to be there. But it also goes the other way, some books are in the YA section that should be in the Adult section. I think we should all pray that these young, Young Adult readers realize that they should not be reading the Young Adult books and SOON.

What age do you think is a 'Young Adult'

Thursday 12 September 2013

Teen Titans Spin-off

       I miss Teen Titans like crazy. Does anybody else remember this show? You should, because it was the bees knees. (Don't ever let me say that again. I beg of you.) If you remember Starfire, Beastboy, Cyborg, Robin, or Raven (my personal favorite) we must already be best friends. I was so happy when I was randomly searching up old shows, and stumbled upon news of a Teen Titans spin-off that would be named Teen Titans Go!. It didn't take them long at all to start the show. I think I found out this news sometime in  June 2012 and the series' first episode aired recently. Okay, so it took them a year, but whatever.
       I have watched an episode or two of this and before people get their hopes up, this series is not a continuation of the original Teen Titans. Another thing is the characters have been made into chibi characters. I think that they look adorable, but some people have been complaining about Starfire's 'sexed up look' I have no idea what people are talking about. She looks exactly the same as she did in the original aside from being in chibi form.
       I looked it up today, and it appears that the original voice actors'/actress' have come back for the spin-off which I love.
       I also love how they didn't change the characters personalities. Starfire is still her happy-go-lucky self, and Raven is still as negative, full of attitude, and monotone self.
       Have anybody else watched the spin-off? what were your opinions of it?

Monday 9 September 2013

Unwind Movie?

       Unwind by Neal Shusterman is one of my favorite books. I read it a while ago, but I will try to give  brief description of it.
       Basically, parents can sign a paper sending their kids to be 'unwound.' meaning they get dismembered  and their body parts go to people who are in need of them. You are alive throughout the entire procedure so technically you never really die.
       When Connor, Levi, and Risa find out that they are going to be unwound they run away, if they can make far enough away that nobody knows them, and when the reach the age of 18, they are entirely free. But the question is, will they be able to escape being unwound?
       Alright sorry if  that description didn't make sense, I'm not the greatest at explaining things. Anyway, the point is, they are making Unwind into a movie! Do you know how long I have been waiting for this to happen? Unfortunately, this movie should be coming out in 2015 which means, sadly, I have no casting information for the fellow fans of Unwind.
       I am curious about how they are going to go about doing this. This goes through multiple POV's a lot.  Not to mention the creepy concept. I just hope that they end up doing it justice.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Welcome To My Poisoned Tea

       I see you have found my blog...beware. This is where I will gush about things I think deserve to be gushed at, and where I will rant at things I think deserved to be ranted at sooo...yeah. I guess that's it. Stick around if you want to see my first actual post. :)